29. Mai 2021

The label UNESCO World Heritage embellishes sites of cultural or natural heritage worldwide, certifying an outstanding universal value for humanity. How did the World Heritage Convention originally come into being in the 1970s and what significance can these places have for international collaboration? In which contexts can these sites be placed? Which role does the materiality of certain places play for their presentation? Within this three hour workshop we will focus on endangered heritage sites. You will be introduced to the background of the UNESCO World Heritage programme and more than that: you will have the opportunity to travel the world! We prepared a digital tour to endangered heritage sites, which are difficult or even impossible to visit on site.

Collectively, we will reflect on the chances offered by a digital facilitation of places of memory. Join us to discover the digital sphere as an alternative travel format, opening up new routes!

Flyer Heritage Revisited

Come on-board and register via mail: wiebke.brand[at]posteo.de