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Central Agency for Schools Abroad

The Central Agency for Schools Abroad man­ages the work of the German schools abroad and schools with German language programmes worldwide.

The Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) ­manages ­the ­w­ork ­of ­th­e­ German ­scho­ols ­a­broad. Schools that offer German language programmes and German schools abroad are supported by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad fin­an­cially and by ­p­rov­id­ing staff. It provides teachers for services abroad, programme teachers, as well as expert consultants. During their service abroad they are looked after by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad financially and with respect to organisational and educational matters.

The Central Agency for Schools Abroad advises German schools and learning institutes abroad in educational and administrative matters. It mediates teachers for assignments at German schools abroad and within the public education sector, and also assumes responsibility for the preparation and further education of these teachers. In addition, the Central Agency for Schools Abroad is involved in the development and implementation of exams in the sector German as a foreign language.

Within the scope of kulturweit, the Central Agency for Schools Abroad offers, together with the Educational Exchange Service, assignment locations to volunteers. Furthermore, the Central Agency for Schools Abroad is, together with the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service and the Educational Exchange Service part of the PASCH Initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future". PASCH is interlinked with more than 1800 schools worldwide, at which the German language plays an important role. The network was started in 2008 by the Federal Foreign Office.


The Central Agency for Schools Abroad  supports the work of schools that offer German language programmes­ abroad by providing teachers and knowledge.

Tasks for volunteers

At schools with German language programmes abroad, kulturweit volunteers provide the students a closer look at Germany. They can promote cultural and geographical knowledge, pronunciation and motivation to learn the German language.

Volunteers assist during German language classes and may come up with additional activities such as forming and working with project groups. They help the teachers with exam preparations, and tutor individual students during class. According to requirement, the kulturweit volunteers carry out projects for German language classes and accompany excursions and school trips. In addition, volunteers can directly assist with the work of the Central Agency for Schools Abroad offices.

kulturweit volunteers promote classes at schools that offer a German programme.